
A better Somalia for all

a girl learning henna design
BHCDO Technical and vocational training centre

BHCDO Technical and Vocational Training Centre, a cornerstone of our commitment to empowering individuals with practical skills and knowledge tailored to the demands of the job market. Our centre is dedicated to providing high-quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to youth and adults, fostering economic independence and promoting sustainable development within our communities.

Flooded shelter makeshifts in Somalia
Protection of the vulnerable communities

At BHCDO, we are deeply committed to protecting the most vulnerable members of our society. Our protection programs are designed to safeguard individuals and communities who face significant risks and challenges, ensuring their safety, dignity, and well-being.

Clean Drinking Water and Hygiene for the DAC

Clean water, proper sanitation, and good hygiene practices are fundamental to human health and well-being. Our WASH program is designed to provide sustainable solutions to water and sanitation challenges, ensuring that communities have the resources and knowledge they need to live healthy, dignified lives.

The arid climate and dry mud
Climate change
Mitigating the effects of climate change in Somalia

 We aim to creating sustainable and resilient communities that can thrive in the face of environmental challenges. By integrating climate adaptation and mitigation strategies into our work, we are making a positive impact on both the environment and the lives of the people we serve. Join us in our mission to combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations.

a girl learning henna design
BHCDO Education

By providing hands-on training, access to business development support, and entrepreneurship skills, BHCDO enables individuals to gain financial independence.  Through this approach, BHCDO’s TVET programs foster self-reliance and stimulate local economic growth, reducing dependency on aid and improving livelihoods for vulnerable communities.

Flooded shelter makeshifts in Somalia
Blue economy
Advancing of the blue economy

BHCDO is committed to advancing the Blue Economy, particularly in fishery development, to harness the potential of Somalia’s vast marine resources. The organization focuses on sustainable fishing practices, aiming to improve the livelihoods
of coastal communities while preserving marine ecosystems.

BHCDO’s strategy in comprehensive food security.

The organization focuses on ensuring that individuals, especially those affected by displacement, have consistent access to sufficient, nutritious food to lead healthy, productive lives.

The arid climate and dry mud
Microenterprise development
Prioritizes support for microenterprises programs

As a key part of its mission to uplift vulnerable communities, particularly those affected by conflict, displacement, and poverty in Somalia. Central to BHCDO’s livelihood initiatives is microenterprise development, which focuses on providing individuals with the tools, skills, and resources they need to start and sustain small businesses.